Monday, March 25, 2013

Today's crit was really interesting I think everyone's pieces showed a lot of thought and everyone had great ideas. What I learned most about my work is that I could have edited my scanned drawing a little better. the line work did not turn out the way I imagined it to be.  I think what I struggled with the most was editing my images and not having a clear memory of all the tools. The piece that had the kid sitting on top of a pile of money could have had a more professional appeal to it rather than my hand drawn work. Over all my concept and idea was portrayed pretty clearly to this class and they seemed to pick up on my ideas right away. Today's crit also showed me just how important text really is and the unconscious emotional effects it has on people. My choice I text didn't come easy and I believe I could have tweaked my one images text a little more. I am really happy that I was able to make these posters and get my ideas across because this project was a struggle for me.

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